Monday, December 14, 2009

Youngest Aunt and Dickson 13.12.2009

孔子: 有朋自遠方來, 不亦樂乎!

我們: 有親自遠方來, 不亦悅乎!

She is Dickson's youngest aunt, she came from Singapore with her husband to attend a meeting in Capsquare, KL.

We have meet up on 13.12.09 after our holy class, but it is really an unforgettable experience to find the place, we take almost 1 1/2 hours, ask few ppls, then only found Capsquare's location. Terrbile...

But it is enjoy to meet up, we listen to her past story, really fun...
She is really tough and do her effort towards her aims.
She is an open minded aunt, nice to talk, nice to share...

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