Wednesday, June 9, 2010

21.12.2012 End of the World (2012末日預言)



我們促進會的創辦人也說,如果瑪雅族的預言,加上 科學家的證明,我們就必須正視這件事情。只要擁有一顆慈愛的心,就算災難來到我們的面前,我們也不害怕,我們更要朝災難前進,拯 救更多的人。一個混亂的世界結束了,就是一個良善世界的開始。

如果人類不能與大自然和睦共處,我們就不能產生與大自然相同的磁場,當然 我們也不能與大自然共存。



所以,與其不斷的猜測 未來,倒不如好好的珍惜現在所擁有的。
從這一刻開始,我要一直勉勵我自己,要為全世界的人加油,才 有為自己加油的機會。
我會選擇積極的去面對我的人生,有沒有災難也好, 我一樣會把我的人生建立在快樂、歡喜之上。

After watching this video, there are many sentiments in my heart.
In fact, I have a very curious, is that the end of the world on 21.12.2012.

Mayan prophecy that on 21.12.2012 is not the end of the world, but a beginning.
Our Association's founder also said that if the Mayan prophecy, together with proved by scientists, we must address this matter. As long as have a loving heart, even if a disaster come to us, we do not fear, we must move forward toward disaster, to save more people. When a chaotic world over, is a goodness in the world start.

I have heard in the film, the word of magnetic field and magnetic poles.
If human beings can't live harmonious with nature, we can not produce the same magnetic field with the nature, of course, we can not coexistence with nature.

Although the scientists said: the big disaster may not happen, and if the sun attacks, we also can stand for it, but I still feel there are a lot of things that we are unpredictable.
As same as we can not predict our life!
We never knew the next second, what will happen on us.

People live in this world, whether good or bad, we have to know how to enjoy it, so we will not suffer.
Even in pain, in irritating stage, also should overcome it quickly, don't let those who concerned you worried and sad on us.
So, it would be better to cherish what we have now, rather than keep constant speculation to the future.

Believe is power! I believe that God loves us, so I will not give up myself.
From this moment on, I have encouraged myself to effort for people throughout the world, then only have the opportunity to make an all-out effort.
I will choose to be positive to face my life.
Is there a disaster or not, I will still continue my life base on happy, base on joyful, base on kindness.

45 LESSONS IN LIFE 人生教我的45堂課


美國俄亥俄州,克里夫蘭,Plain Dealer城

08.06.2010 我與KTM的好際遇 My good experience with KTM


而火車也在7.22am左右從SERDANG岀發, 繼續往RAWANG的行程。
就這 樣,經過了BDR TASIK SELATAN站,SALAK SELATAN站,SEPUTEH站,火車在過了SEPUTEH站後的一分鐘,忽然停了下來,火車內的燈熄掉了,冷氣也關掉了。當時我的手錶時間是7.45am。

火車司機並沒有宣佈火車發生了甚麼事?岀了甚麼狀況?就讓我們莫名其妙的在又悶又熱的車廂內待了大約5至10分鐘後,我們大家開始有呼吸不到的感覺,乘客們紛紛拿岀電話,打給KTM 的服務中心 03-2263 1194,詢問情況,並要求他們通知火車司機打開所有車廂的門,讓車廂外新鮮的空氣流通,避免乘客暈倒。
KTM 的服務中心在電話中說到, 火車大約在25分鐘後,就會恢復正常運作, 我們天真的信以為真.

大約10分鐘之後, 車廂內的冷氣開了, 門也關上了, 雖然燈一樣沒有亮, 但我們以為火車真的可以正常開動.
誰曉得時間一分一秒的過去, 我的手錶時間已經是9.15am. 一個半小時之後, 這輛火車依然停留在原地, 無法操作. 跟KTM 服務中心的25分鐘相比之下, 我們已經多給了他們一個小時又5分鐘的等待時間, 結果是沒有任何情況宣佈的默默等待.

再過5分鐘, 火車的門突然打開, KTM 的司機與維修員要我們下車, 並隨著火車軌道, 走路到MID VALLEY站. 當時, 後方有一輛火車正朝著我們的方向開來, 結果該輛火車被迫停駛, 因為我們大約有300-400人正在火車軌道上行走. 要從火車上下去軌道, 其實是蠻高的距離. 我已經很難跳下去了, 更何況是穿短裙, 穿高跟鞋的女生, 最後, KTM 的維修員唯有搬來小樓梯, 讓她們使用. 一些老伯伯, 老婆婆,唯有借助年輕人的幫忙, 把他們抱下來. 我們就像非法入境的難民, 被幾個官員逮到, 把我們送到拘留所.

火車的行程表從最早期的15分鐘一趟,更改為20分鐘一趟,到現在的30分鐘一趟,甚至延遲一小時,我們都被迫接受,因為我們別無選擇。 雖然,我們同樣要付車費,但當看到其他的公共交通的服務比較順暢的時候,我真的很羨慕,更是無奈。 我們真的要求不多,只希望火車能夠準時到達,尤其是上班於下班的時段,要是火車能體會我們的感受就好了。

我 常常在想,今年已經33歲的我,有沒有機會可以享受不錯的KTM服務呢?
雖然,這個經歷很不堪,但 DICKSON 說,這是不錯的經驗,因為啊,我的一生中可能還沒有機會可以走在火車軌道上呢!往這方面想,感覺的確還蠻舒服的。上帝真的是待我不錯哦!

香港 TVB 巾幗梟雄劇中的柴九說:人生有幾多個十年?最重要是活得痛快!
所以啊,我也要痛快的享受這個另類的搭火車經歷。 哈哈哈哈。。。

Today, is my great experience to travel by train in my life.

as usual, I rushed to the train station SERDANG, hoping to catch a train between 7.20am-7.30pm.
Although crowded, I was very lucky to squeeze into the trains.
Around 7.22am train KTM continue to RAWANG trip from SERDANG station.
through the BDR TASIK SELATAN station, SALAK SELATAN station, SEPUTEH station, train After a SEPUTEH station in a minute, suddenly stopped, put out the lights inside the train, and air conditioning are turned off. My watch time was 7.45am minutes at the time.

The train driver did not declare what happened? what conditions? Let us stay in the compartment to be about 5 to 10 minutes, we all began to feel shortness of breathe, passengers have to take their phone and call 03-22631194 KTM service center to inquire about the situation and ask them to inform the train driver to open the doors to all compartments, so that trains in the fresh air ventilation to avoid passengers fainted. KTM's service center on the phone said, the train about 25 minutes later, it will resume normal operation, We are naive to believe that.

About 10 minutes later, the air conditioning was on, the door has closed, only the light still off, but we think that the train can really start move properly.
Who knows Time is of the past, I watch the time is already 9.15am. One and a half hour later, the train still remain in place and can not operate. Compare to KTM service center's 25 minutes waiting, we have more given them a hour and 5 minutes of waiting time, the result is wait quietly without any announced.

Another 5 minutes, the train's door was opened, KTM drivers and maintenance staff wants us to get off from train, and ask us walk to MID VALLEY station by follow the train tracks (railway). At that time, behind us is a train moving towards our direction, but finally the train forced to stoped, because we have around 300-400 people are walking on train tracks. To go down from the train, the distance is quite high. I have been very difficult to jump down, what about those girls who wearing short skirts and high heels. Finally, KTM maintenance staff bring a small staircase for their use. Some old man, old lady, with the help of young, to hold them down. We are like illegal immigrant's refugees, caught by several officials, send to places of detention.

Train schedule from the early 15-minute per trip, change to 20 minutes, and now 30 minutes, worst to late until 1 hr, we were forced to accept, because we have no choice. Although we have to pay for the fare, but when you see other public transport services is relatively smooth, I really admire, but also helpless. We do not ask for much, just hope the train will arrive on time, especially during the peak hour of going to work and back from work, that's how good of us if the train can understand our feelings.

I think of this oftenly, this year I has been 33 years old, am I have a chance to enjoy a good KTM service?
Although this experience is unbearable, but DICKSON said it was a good experience, because, it may not be an opportunity to go on the train tracks in my life! When think from this way, feel really quite comfortable. God is that treated me well Oh!

Hong Kong's TVB drama 巾幗梟雄, CHAI 9 said: there are how many years of life? The most important thing is to live happy!
So, I must feel happy to enjoy this "SPECIAL" of train experience too. Hahahaha...

Yes, boleh boleh boleh...

Monday, June 7, 2010

Email: Candid Chinese wisdom about life

Really Funny to read this email,
so that think to share with you all,

When without money, keep pigs;
When have money, keep dogs.

When without money, eat at home with wife;
When have money, dine in fine restaurant.

When without money, ride bicycle;
When have money, ride exercise machine.

When without money, wish to get married;
When have money, wish to get divorced.

When without money, wife becomes secretary;
When have money, secretary becomes wife.

When without money, act like rich man;
When with money, act like poor man.

人 啊,都不講實話:
Man, O Man, never tells the truth:

Says sharemarket is bad but keeps speculating;
Says money is evil but keeps accumulating.

Says women are trouble-makers but keeps desiring them;
Says high positions are lonely but keeps wanting them.

Says smoking & drinking is bad but keeps partaking;
Says heaven is good but refused to go.
In the past, woman gives man their virginity;
Now, woman gives man their newborn.

In the rural area, chicken calls man awake;
In the cities, man calls for chickens..

In the past, famous actresses will not sell their bodies;
Now, actresses will sell their bodies to get famous

What is life about?
1 歲時出場亮相
At one, YOU are the top priority
10 歲時功課至上
At ten, academic excellence is the top priority
20 歲時春心盪漾
At twenty, getting laid is the top priority
30 歲時職場對抗
At thirty, a good career is top priority
40 歲時身材發胖
At forty, keeping your body in shape is top priority
50 歲時打打麻將
At fifty, beating others at mahjong is top priority
60 歲時老當益壯

At sixty, keeping IT up is top priority

70 歲 時 常常 健忘
At seventy, remembering something is top priority
80 歲時搖搖晃晃
At eighty, moving around is top priority
90 歲時迷失方向
At ninety, knowing directions is top priority
100 歲時掛在牆上
At 100, having your portrait on the wall is top priority!

Wishing you all happiness! Be good!


1. 整理:常組織(Structurise)
2. 整頓:常整頓(Systematise)
3. 清掃:常清潔(Sanitise)
4. 清潔:常規範(Standardise)
5. 身美:常自律(Self-discipline)




